
When we were child, we usually use piggy bank to save money. And as an adult, we need more sophisticated measures to protect our saving. For example, bank use personal identification numbers, safety deposit boxes, insurance and other measures to help keep money safe. Now, people bank online becomes a trend, and we should be more careful. Because thieves will rob online bank and our money by using look-alike websites, fake bank e-mails, or simply by hacking into computer systems to stole online passwords and gained access to accounts. And financial scams are also a threat. In addition, by stealing personal data, thieves can pretend to be you and spend your money!  

     In order to protect our saving, privacy rights advocates educate consumers on how to protect their privacy. Seniors can also join together to educate and warn each other of scams. And there are several ways can help us to protect our money:

1. Use high security settings on Internet browsers.

2. Avoid using public computers and wireless networks for bank transactions.

3. Be careful to keep all passwords a secret.

4. Closely monitor account transactions. If there is anything unusual, just contact our banks immediately.

5. Make sure we are safeguarding our money.

[文摘]Your money safe and sound?    From Studio Classroom 2007 November 9,10


piggy bank    小豬撲滿

sophisticated   複雜的;精密的

transaction     交易;業務

scam         詐騙案;騙局

safety deposit box / safe-deposit box保險箱


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